Transform Your Data into Opportunities
Our premier service revolutionizes the way companies manage, interact with, and leverage their vast data landscapes. Powered by model (LLM), it's engineered to meet specific organizational needs.
Multi-platform AI
Data control
Deploy locally for unmatched data sovereignty.
Reduce Costs
Optimize analytics to find cost-saving possibilities
Lower Risks
Mitigate risks through detailed analysis
Data Accessibility
Enhance data reach with data-centric culture
We also offer Custom AI Integration Services

Our Custom AI Integration Services empower your organization to harness the full potential of AI by seamlessly integrating it into your existing environment. Our team of experts works closely with you to tailor a solution that meets your unique business needs, leveraging our expertise in AI and your industry knowledge. With our integration, you can:

  • Enhance operational efficiency
  • Improve decision-making
  • Drive innovation
  • Stay ahead of the competition
Our Product: Kepler
Stay ahead of the curve, streamline your workflows, and harness the collective power of Kepler’s intelligent solutions. It’s not just business as usual — it’s business optimized.

Our team will work closely with you to determine the best approach for your organization, guaranteeing a seamless and secure integration of our systems.
Maximize Your Business Potential
with Kepler
Increase Decision-Making Confidence by 40%
Leverage advanced analytics for actionable insights, enhancing decision-making accuracy and confidence.
Boost Efficiency by up to 50%
Our tool streamlines data management, cutting the time spent on organizing and searching in half, allowing teams to focus on more strategic initiatives.
Enhance Data Security by 100%
Leverage advanced analytics for actionable insights, enhancing decision-making accuracy and confidence.
Custom Solutions for 100% Alignment
Tailored services meet your specific business needs, ensuring perfect alignment with your goals.
Transformative Data Management
and Insight Discovery
Unlock hidden gems within your data. Kepler reveals valuable insights.
Advanced Analysis & Forecasting
Leverage your data for cutting-edge analysis, forecasting, and actionable insights.
Efficient Data Management
Simplify your data landscape with Kepler that streamlines document and data handling.
Customized Solutions
Receive solutions crafted for your unique challenges. We align our capabilities with your goals.
Intuitive User Experience
Our user-centric design promotes productivity and a seamless experience.
Our platform mimics human analysis, sourcing information from various channels advice.
About Kepler
“Advanced automation of all processes is easy to set up. I cannot imagine how to manage workflows without this software.”
- Yerkebulan Zhigerbayev
СEO and Co-Founder of Kepler
Multi-faceted product to assist your business
Get comprehensive access to the range of tools you need to achieve your goals.
Kepler Assist
Kelper Assist is designed to be your personal assistant and advisor. It possesses comprehensive knowledge of your company.
Kepler Find
With Kepler Find, you gain the unprecedented ability to instantly search through millions of your company’s documents stored locally.
Kepler Expert
Kepler Expert is an innovative project from Kepler, offering companies the unique opportunity to have their own AI expert on hand.
Kepler Meetings
With Kepler Meetings, transcribe discussions in real-time, automatically delegate tasks, and set reminders for all participants.
Maintain 100% Regulatory Compliance
Adapt to industry standards with a historical regulatory overview.
Risk reduction by 20%
Ensures risk mitigation by adhering to all standards and regulations.
Boost Operational Efficiency by 25%
Optimize processes using scientific insights.
Improve Sustainability by 20%
Implement greener methods with scientific guidance.
Reduces Consulting Costs by 20%
Cuts costs by streamlining problem-solving.
Staff Competence & Efficiency by 40%
Enhances staff competency through its expertise.
Kepler Installation Options
Both installation methods are designed to provide 100% protection for your data, ensuring that your business operations remain secure and uninterrupted. Our team will work closely with you to determine the best approach for your organization, guaranteeing a seamless and secure integration of our systems.
Local Installation: Deployment on Company Servers
For companies with existing infrastructure, we provide direct access to local servers or clusters, ensuring a seamless deployment of our systems.
Cloud Installation: Scalable Deployment on AWS
Alternatively, we offer a cloud-based solution utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) for maximum security and scalability.
Kepler in different fields
Our platform can optimize medical processes, from data entry to lab result analysis. By integrating with existing healthcare systems, we enhance the efficiency and accuracy of medical practices, freeing up medical professionals to focus on patient care.
Our platform is powered by an extensive knowledge base, built from the ground up with all publicly available historical, scientific, and research data in the oil extraction field. This rich foundation allows us to deliver insights and foresight into the oil industry.
Oil & Gas
Our platform for automating administrative processes in higher education institutions. Our mission is to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of university management by providing intelligent, AI-driven solutions.
We'll Contact You and Provide Assistance Every Step of the Way
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